Thursday, July 19, 2007

Blogger vs Wordpress

Thinking about moving your Blogger blog to Wordpress?

I was, and actually did it, just to play around and see which blogging tool I preferred.
Here is what my blog looks like at wordpress. I haven't tweaked it in any way. I just imported the posts from blogger and choose the 3-column template. I can see some advantages to wordpress already, but blogger has a lot of good features too. Will have a closer look...

One thing I really like is the 3-columns look. I started wondering if it is even possible to create a three-column template in blogger since I did not see one in the templates they offer. Would I have to learn html?
That's when I found a site that gives a lot of information about making your blogger blog do the things you want it to do. I added a translation tool to my blogger blog because I thought that would be useful.

So which *IS* better...blogger or wordpress?

Personally speaking, the jury's still out, but in the meantime I am learning a lot about blogging using Blogger by reading this Dummies Guide to Blogger

If you are interested in making a nice blog, it's worth informing yourself a bit using a site like this. But keep in mind that what is really important at the end of the day is the CONTENT of your blog! It's WHAT you say first , and what it looks like second.

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